Curse of Tamerlane
Wrath of Timur the Lame
Two days after Tamerlane’s tomb was opened and the remains shipped off to Moscow, operation Barbarossa commenced. It was a massive invasion of Russia and its subjugated lands by Nazi Germany, it came without warning [unless one considers Tamerlane's curse a warning] or any formal declaration of war. Russia was nearly beaten into the ground by the Nazis but Old Joe [Stalin] ordered Tamerlane's remains be repatriated to his tomb with full Islamic burial rights on December 20, 1942. The plane carrying his remains back from Moscow made a huge deviation from any sane flight path and flew directly over Stalingrad before turning toward Uzbekistan and Tamerlane's tomb.
Shortly thereafter German forces at Stalingrad surrendered and the Red Armies drive towards Berlin began in earnest. - But of course this is all one big coincidence - right ?