Can You Get Coronavirus Twice?
How Long Are You Immune After COVID-19?

There Are Known Cases of People Testing Positive for Coronavirus Twice But It’s Possible the Virus Remained Dormant in Their System

Corona Virus - Surreal

A sequel to a movie that you didn’t want to see in the first place is one thing, like Ghost Rider 2 after Ghost Rider. A sequel to having a COVID-19 infection would be something completely different.

You may think that the one “positive” of testing positive for the COVID-19 causing coronavirus (SARS-CoV2) and surviving would be that you won’t get infected by that virus again. At least not during this pandemic. Ah, but is this assumption really true? Will you indeed be immune to the SARS-CoV2 after you’ve recovered from a COVID-19 infection? Some reports out of Japan and China seem to suggest otherwise.

For example, Daniel Leussink and Rocky Swift reported for Reuters about a female tour bus guide in Japan who tested positive for the virus after recovering from a COVID-19 infection. - Can You Get Coronavirus Twice? How Long Are You Immune After COVID-19? - Forbes - Bruce Y. Lee

Can You Get Coronavirus Twice? - There Are Known Cases of People Testing Positive for Coronavirus Twice But It’s Possible the Virus Remained Dormant in Their System

People can get the coronavirus more than once, experts warn — recovering does not necessarily make you immune - The antibodies that patients are producing so far don't necessarily last very long, one expert said. People who have gotten the new coronavirus and recovered can get it again in the future, health authorities say — the body does not become immune after infection.