Quantum entanglement is a phenomena whereby two subatomic particles are 'entangled' and ones actions will influence the others instantaneously, regardles of the distance between the two. Taking quantum entanglement a step further there lies a truly bizarre supposition of quantum theory that states the very act of observing affects the observed reality. It's mind over matter squared. Some unknown force linked to consciousness seems to have af effect on subatomic particles.
Nay Sayers clinging to classical physics will and have argued that the 'observer effect' is the result of instruments that, by necessity, alter the state of what they measure in some way. The "observer" in the Weizmann experiment was not a conscious being, but an electronic detector which tends to throw some cold water on the theory that a conscious mind directly affected reality. However, be it a conscious mind or a machine, nobody is able to explain how observation, be it via Articiicial Intelligence or actual senient human intellect can alter the motion of subatomic particles.
Multiple experiments using various equipment and different senient observers have persistently produced similar results.
Researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science conducted an experiment demonstrating how a beam of electrons are affected by the act of observation. The researchers concluded that the more "watching," the greater the influence on the electrons.
When watching Quantum activity the particles can also behave as waves. This can be true for electrons, at distances measuring less than one thousandth of a millimeter. When behaving as waves, they can simultaneously pass through openings in a barrier and then meet again at the other side of the barrier, this is referred to as interference. Much like Mexicans dashing across the US border. The Mexicans when observed by shall we say the border patrol will most definitely behave in a different manner than if no border patrol was present. The border patrol becomes 'interference'.
In stark contrast however, with quantum particles interference can only occur if noone is watching. Once an observer sees the particles going through the openings, the particles behavior is altered. Which seems to imply, in contradiction of Newtonian physics, that consciousness affects the physical world.
The Bell Theorem, produced by Irish physicist John Stewart Bell is another example where the results tend to imply that consciousness somehow affects matter.
Bell's theorem highlighted a critical distinction between quantum pyshics or quantum mechanics and Newtonian or classical mechanics, particularly concerning quantum entanglement. The great Genius of the 20th Century and father of relativity, Albert Einstein referred to the 'scary' aspects of quantum entanglement as “spooky action at a distance”.
Basically bells theorem states that two or more particles in a quantum state will continue to be mutually dependent, even at vast physical separations. So if one particle is at our north pole and the other at our south pole they are still co dependent and the geographic spacial seperation between them is irrelevant even if the particles are seperated by a quintillian light years [theoretically].
Photons are simple subatomic particles. Photons will spin in all directions at once, why ? ... spooky action. It is possible to split a single photon into two by shining a light through the proper medium, and at that point, you’ll have two photons once they pass through the medium. Once you measure either of those two particles, something 'spooky' happens… they both fall out of waveform simultaneously and instantaneously which can't be explained by classical mechanics.
Assuming that the original photon had a spin value of zero. Once you divide it in two they will spin in opposing directions which in effect maintains the neutral state of zero. If you reverse the spin of either photon, the other will also reverse - instantaneously, even though the two may be seperated by vast distances.
The paradox in this is that this spin change happens instantaneously. Somehow the one photon 'knows' that it must change its spin or cease to exist under the laws of quantum physics, some unknown force relayed this information to photon b. Information had to be transferred somehow, either through waves, light, energy or some other unknown 'spooky' force. The two photons which were once one photon are somehow linked. Changing one instantaneously changes the other, regardless of the distances they are separated by. This inexplicable phenomena came to be known as Quantum entanglement.
The concept of Quantum entanglement has been freaking out scientists for decades, because it breaks one of the most fundamental laws of the universe. The information transfer between the two particles, under the laws of classical mechanics cannot occur faster than the speed of light, but it violates the speed limit every time and gets away with it - imagine that.
'Because numerous experiments agree with the predictions of quantum mechanical theory, and show differences between correlations that could not be explained by local hidden variables, the experimental results have been taken by many as refuting the concept of local realism as an explanation of the physical phenomena under test. For a hidden variable theory, if Bell's conditions are correct, the results that agree with quantum mechanical theory appear to indicate superluminal (faster-than-light) effects, in contradiction to the principle of locality.' - Wikipedia
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