Did George Soros order
Barack Obama to investigate an Adversary?

Harvard Law Professor states truth will soon emerge in lawsuit

Eyes are useless when the mind is blind

In an interview with the Breitbart News, Harvard Law School professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz defended Trump's recent oversight in the Department of Justice prosecution of Roger Stone — a move Leftists attempted to frame as a dangerous bid to 'erode the neutrality and independence of the DOJ'.

Dershowitz called out the left on their double standard and pointed out that previous administrations had exercised control over the Department of Justice. "There was a lot of White House control of the Justice Department during the Kennedy administration, and I don't think we saw very many liberal professors arguing against that," Dershowitz Stated.

"We’ve seen this kind of White House influence on the Justice Department virtually in every Justice Department.” ...“The difference this president is much more overt about it, he tweets about it. President Obama whispered to the Justice Department about it.”

He also brought up a case in point when billionaire left-wing financier and puppet master George Soros told then-President Barack Obama to investigate an undisclosed adversary.

"Dershowitz would not identify who, precisely, the target of the investigation was, but said that the name would soon emerge in in a lawsuit that had yet to be filed. See: George Soros Asked Barack Obama to Investigate Undisclosed Person Breitbart News"

Dershowitz: 'Obama personally asked the FBI to investigate somebody on behalf of George Soros'

Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz said Sunday he has proof that former President Barack Obama "personally asked" the FBI to investigate someone "on behalf of George Soros," the liberal billionaire megadonor.

Dershowitz's claim came soon after Attorney General Bill Barr openly asked President Trump to stop tweeting about ongoing Justice Department matters, saying it made it "impossible" to do his job. Barr, who also maintained that Trump never personally intervened in a criminal matter, was hit last week by a letter from former DOJ officials organized by a leftwing group demanding his resignation.

"There was a lot of White House control of the Justice Department during the Kennedy administration and I don't think we saw very many liberal professors arguing against that," Dershowitz said in an interview with Breitbart News that aired Sunday on SiriusXM. "I have some information as well about the Obama administration – which will be disclosed in a lawsuit at some point, but I'm not prepared to disclose it now – about how President Obama personally asked the FBI to investigate somebody on behalf of George Soros, who was a close ally of his." He did not say specifically who the target might have been.

A Soros spokesperson told Business Insider, that: "Mr Dershowitz appears to be engaged in a classic smear campaign to divert attention from the inappropriate behavior of his client. It is impossible to respond to the innuendos and vague charges he has put forth."