Dirty Democrats
Corruption, Nepotism, Malfeasance and Chicanery of Democratic Politicians
Show me a prominent Democrat, and chances are there's a suppressed scandal in their History. Show me a prominent Democrat that is 'scandal-free' and chances are they're newbies who just haven't been caught yet. Americans are fond of ridiculing foreign regimes as inherently corrupt banana republics, and coconut kingdoms where graft is the rule of thumb. Wake up America, people who live in glass houses should definitely not throw stones.
The Modern American Democratic Party is the most hideously covetous anti- Democratic organization in the World today. A party populated at the upper echelons by the most salacious scum and power craving vermin in American History.
That's not to say the Republicans don't have their share of corruption but it pales in comparison to the Democrats. They are for all intents and purposes, a criminal organization on par with La Cosa Nostra and any of the Columbian Cartels, who incidentally are their business partners in many instances.
Nancy Pelosi
Apples Never Fall Far From The Tree and Nancy Pelosi is living proof. Her father was a Mafia Stooge. She and most of her offspring have followed suit as privileged DemoBrats.
JFK demanded that Nancy's father involvement with Baltimore Organized crime be investigated he ordered an investigation of "Allegation of his involvement with Baltimore hoodlums”. His lineage, which includes Nancy Pelosi, has been "above the Law" for many years.
Bernie Sanders
Like his colleagues, the guy with the bad hair-do, no not Donald Trump - he can't fart without Democrats trying to make a scandal out of it, the other guy - the colonel sanders look alike who didn’t collect his first steady paycheck until he was an elected official, nearly 40 years old... Bernie Sanders.
Sanders has never been properly vetted by the media as other politicians are, one because he's a Democrat and two, because nobody, not even his adoring fans in the media ever considered him a serious contender.
One of Bernie's Scandals involve his wife Jane. Jane ran Burlington College, She Jane run - run Jane run - she ran the college right into the ground through either incompetence or perhaps greed. Basically she ran the college the way Bernie would like to run the country - into bankruptcy. While she 'ran' the school, it provided lavish six-figure sums to her daughter as well as the son of a close friend.
In 2010 she purchased 32 acres of lakefront property with College money, part of a botched expansion she claims. The property was bought from the Catholic Church and financed with $10 million in bonds and loans, according to the Burlington Free Press [The diocese eventually lost between $1.5 million and $2 million on this shady deal], according to local reports.. She was president from 2004 until 2011, when she resigned ... with a hefty severance package of course - $200,000. In 2016, Burlington College went bankrupt, they citied debt from Jane Sanders mismanagement as the major reason for the closure.
Aside from Jane Sanders aka miss-managements follies, Bernie is no stranger to greed and hypocrisy. A man who rallies against anyone financially successful himself is a millionaire and owns a number of homes and assorted properties. All his money was acquired after he entered politics - Bernie was never able to hold a real job, as has been well documented.
Like his colleagues Bernie and Jane Sanders have repeatedly steered money from organizations they control to friends and family. Funds have been documented by public records as having been, via creative book-keeping, being diverted to his stepdaughter, and the son of a close friend, a former colleague in city government.
In addition to the college Mrs Sanders is responsible for raping. Mr. Sanders political campaigns have been a steady source of income for his friends and family
Jane Sanders, perhaps based on her 'resume', was paid nearly $100,000 for 'service's from 2002 to 2004. Sanders’ stepdaughter, Carina Driscoll, also drew a lucrative salary from the campaign- over $65,000 between 2000 and 2004.
Slightly short of $50,000 was legally embezzled by Mrs. Sanders and Bernie Buddy Jonathan Leopold and his son Jonathan Jr., a Burlington College board member. The College offered a study abroad program in the Caribbean. Leopold, owned resort properties in the Bahamas. Students as well as funds were diverted to Andro’s Beach Club and Nathan’s Lodge - Leopold properties and associates.
Leopold had previously served with Bernie in the Burlington government. Sanders appointed Leopold as city treasurer where he promptly became embroiled in a multi-million dollar scam involving a Burlington telecommunications company. Sen. Sanders described Leopold as friend so close that he was considered "family."
Bernies step-daughter ran the Vermont Woodworking School at the same time her Mummy ran Burlington College. More than $500,000 was diverted from Burlington to the woodworking school which was roughly 30 miles from Burlington. The funds were supposedly for 'classes' - I guess college students had nothing better to do than travel from their academic institution to a trade school an hour away for a 'woodworking' class ... hmmm.
Maxine Waters
The Waters’ family has raked in at least $1 million via her influence. The full amount will probably never be known for sure as only the tip of the iceberg juts above the waters line.
She used her position on the House Financial Services Committee to help a bank her husband was part owner of when she arranged to have $12 Millions in TARP ]Troubled Asset Relief Program] funds directed to his bank. She never disclosed that her family held a sizable financial stake in the bank. The matter was 'investigated' by the House Democrats. In September, 2012 --- bada bing bada boom The House Ethics Committee completed a report clearing Waters of all ethics charges- nice hat trick.
In the same time period she became embroiled in a scandal also involving her husband. A powerful lobbyist paid Waters’ husband $15,000 in “consulting fees” and in return as she co-sponsored a law aimed at saving a business that was among the lobbyist’s top clients. The IRS had determined that firm in question was a scam . Maxines tried to overturn the federal ban and the scam business would continue raking in lucrative profits - her plot was exposed and she failed in this instance, but her hubby kept the $15,000.
In 2019 she paid $50,000 from campaign funds to her daughter Federal Election Commission filings show. It was the highest amount paid out by the committee for any services that quarter, and excessively above the fair market value of 'services' rendered. Maxine’s daughter, Karen, had collected more than $750,000 in “professional fees” from the campaign in 2018 for services that were not worth more than 10 - 12,000 it is estimated.
Another technique used by Waters to game the system is endorsement fees. She sells her endorsement to other politicians and political causes for up to $45,000, allowing her to rake in ludicrous amounts of money in a very short time.
Dianne Feinstein
Dianne Feinstein -No stranger to influence peddling. She was instrumental in steering lucrative Real Estate deals to CB Richard Ellis Group Inc [CBRE]. Richard Blum, Feinstein's husband was chairman of the board of directors for CB Richard Ellis at the time.
In 2009, on her very first day of Congress, she introduced legislation to route $25 billion in taxpayer money to the government agency that had awarded her husband’s real estate firm another sweetheart deal. Documents reviewed by The Washington Times show Mrs. Feinstein helped steer to CBRE a contract to sell foreclosed properties that FDIC had inherited from failed banks. It appears Dianne is fond of CBRE, just like Maxine Waters is so very fond of her Husbands Bank.
'Mrs. Feinstein’s intervention on behalf of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. was unusual: the California Democrat isn’t a member of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs with jurisdiction over FDIC; and the agency is supposed to operate from money it raises from bank-paid insurance payments - not direct federal dollars.
As mayor of San Francisco, she nurtured a close relationship with Jiang Zemin who would go on to become Chinas President. Together they developed several corporate entities one was Shanghai Pacific Partners. Feinstein’s husband served as a director while maintaining an investment in the operation.
Feinsteins hubby is an investment banker in addition to serving as chairman of the board for CBRE. He has maintained strong business ties with China while wifey served as a White House intermediary for Chinese President Jiang Zemin. In 1992, when she became a Senator, her husbands China interests were worth less than $500,000, according to her financial disclosure reports. But since then, his financial activities and profiteering in the country have increased multifold.
Whenever questions arise regarding the Feinstein China connections, assets are transferred to charitable trusts, these 'charitable' trusts have never been extensively vetted so my personal assumption is that they are along the line of the ...drumroll ... lmao ... Clinton Foundation.
Joe Biden
The Biden Klan, in particular Joe Bidens son Hunter Biden have had their hands in the cookie jar for a very long time. It is only recently that some of their shady dealings have been coming to light. Their links with the Chinese and Ukranians have proven lucrative, at the expense of the American Public.
A New York Post op-ed details payments over $3 million to Hunter Biden's company when his father was pretty much in charge of Ukraine policy for the Obama regime. The article also details Hunter Biden's dealings with China, noting that he accompanied the elder Biden on an official trip to Beijing [at Government expense] in 2013 and came home with a $1 billion private equity deal with the Chinese government. Biden Jr. had about as much equity experience as your average cashier at the 7-11, this was the deal of a lifetime that seasoned banking professionals would have given their right arm for, possibly their left too.
How five members of Joe Biden’s family got rich through his connections
Hunter Biden’s Firms Scored Reportedly Hundreds of Millions from Russians, Chinese, and Kazakhs
Schweizer: ‘No Coincidence’ that Biden Family Deals Took Place When Biden Was VP
Jesse Watters on impeachment witnesses: 'Think about how far they're willing to go to protect Hunter Biden'
Ken Starr: Top Witnesses For Trump Impeachment Trial Will Be John Bolton, Hunter BidenNYT Confirms Hunter Biden Bank of China Deal, Leaves Out Key Details
Hunter Biden Was ‘Stuffing His Pockets with Foreign Money’ While Dad Was Vice President
Trump Calls for an Investigation Into Biden Family’s Links With the Chinese Regime
Peter Schweizer: Hunter Biden needs to testify on Ukraine, China business dealings
Government Watchdog Says Senate Should Call on Joe Biden’s Son to Testify on China, Ukraine Deals
Trump Calls for Biden-China Probe After Schweizer ‘Secret Empires’ Revelations
Elijah Cummings
Elijah Cummings wife received millions from special interest groups and corporations that had business before her husband’s committee and could have been used illegally, according to an IRS complaint filed by an ethics watchdog group. - Top Democrat's wife may have gained 'illegal private benefit' from his committee activities. This story is still developing and we expect to post updates in the near future.
Elijah Cummings, the longtime Baltimore congressman, died October 17, 2019 at the age of 68. His wife Maryland Democratic Party chairwoman Maya Rockeymoore Cummings who was embroiled in the scandal - well fahgettaboutit the scandal has been swept under the carpet - what didja expect !?
Scrutiny deepens of charity run by wife of Elijah Cummings as it stonewalls records requests
Elijah Cummings’ wife faces mounting ethics questions over charity dealings
Al Gore
Prior to his guest apparence at the Clinton-Gore whitehouse he had pled guilty to conspiracy to bribe a witness in a drug investigation as well as income tax evasion in a seperate drug investigation. In 1995, after his first conviction and guilty plea is when he was taking selfies with Clinton and Gore.
The Secret Service routinely does a background check on all visitors, particularly those coming into contact with the VP and first 'lady', apparently something or someone got greased because he slipped right through the cracks on that one. The Democrats returned a $20,000 donation he had made only after republicans pressured them ... ceist la vie.
In addition to cavorting with associates of the Cali cartel it appears Al had connections with the Medellin cartel as well. Howard Glicken was a precious metals dealer who laundered money for the cartel. When he wasn't involved in his front business and dealings with the cartel he was a fundraiser for Gore.
As per the Wall Street Journal "When Al Gore formed a political union with Bill Clinton in 1992, his dowry included a Miami fund-raiser named Howard Glicken.
It worked out well for the ticket: Mr. Glicken raised several hundred thousand dollars. Mr. Glicken didn't do badly, either. The businessman, then chairman of a chain of billiard parlors, went on to launch a new career as a consultant for foreign clients, introducing them to Washington bigwigs and calling himself an adviser to Vice President Gore on Latin America.
He grew so valuable to the Clinton-Gore team -- eventually raising $2 million for their re-election and the Democratic National Committee's 1996 efforts ... Glicken Raises Millions, Makes Frequent White House Visits"
Glicken was busted in 1991 by the Drug Enforcement Administration for laundering the drug proceeds of the Medellín Cartel but avoided a lengthy sentence by flipping on his partner, Harry Falk. Falk got 27 years. as per Falk in the Wall Street Journal interview Glicken had used his precious metals business to launder funds into Gore's 1988 Presidential campaign.
The fall-guy, Glickens one-time partner Harry Falk, revealed that during the 1987-88 election cycle, he repeatedly disbursed cash to Glicken, his secretary and family members for campaign donations to Al Gore and other DNC candidates. Falk stated that Glicken would say, "I need X number of dollars to reimburse political donations for so and so." Corporate contributions per se are illegal so the money had to be laundered through front people - which is also illegal [but only if you get caught and mores so if you're not a Democrat].
Falks attorney produced handwritten receipts and expense ledgers that were used to track disbursements. In many, but not all instances, the amounts, candidate and donor names or initials and dates written on the documents correspond to contributions listed in Federal Election Commission records.
Richard Blumenthal
Richard Blumenthal - Senator from Connecticut, lied about his military service. He claimed to have served in Vietnam - he didn't. That doesn't make him corrupt it just means he's a liar and braggart with no problem engaging in the malfeasance of 'stolen valor', which incidentally IS a crime - so long as you're not a Democrat.
Blumenthals predecessor in his Senatorial seat, another Democrat, Christopher Dodd was chairman of the Senate Budget Committee and a senior member of the Senate Banking Committee. Dodd had a long history of you scratch my back and i'll scratch yours' arrangements with bankers and tycoons.
Dodd’s downfall began in June 2008, when it was revealed that he had been geting cut-rate mortgages from subprime giant Countrywide Financial. Dodd was on a preferred list at Countrywide known as “Friends of Angelo”, named for Countrywide co-founder Angelo Mozilo. Dodd issued a statement denying any favorable treatment which he later had to recant.
He never disclosed sufficient paperwork to clear himself on this, but why should he - he's a Democrat and laws don't apply equally to them. Following the Countrywide fiasco another Dodd scandal surfaced.
As Democrats prepared to storm Congress after the 2006 elections, Joseph Cassano a top executive at insurance goliath American International Group [AIG]. told colleagues that Dodd was seeking donations and he openly implored, and it is supected covertly coerced executives and their family members to donate generously.
In an e-mail he wrote : Mr. Dodd was “next in line” to be chairman of the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee, which oversees the insurance industry, and he would “have the opportunity to set the committee’s agenda on issues critical to the financial services industry.
Dodd’s campaign coffers rapidly became engorged. “The concern and the question is whether AIG was purchasing kid-glove treatment from their home state senator who was chairing the committee charged with overseeing their industry,” as per Sheila Krumholz, currently executive director of the Center for Responsive Politics, a research group based in Washington, D.C.
Dodd had inserted an amendment into the stimulus bill ensuring that executives of firms, such as AIG, bailed out by the government could still collect bonuses. This became controversial so Dodd initially denied having done it, but like a red handed kid at the cookie jar he was eventually forced to fess up. He tried to blame the Obama administration, which was plausible- but a bad move on Dodds part - never bite the hand that feeds you.
AIG had donated more to Dodd than to any other politician. The assumption is this was part of the you scratch my back .... scenario. And now it turns out that his wife served for several years on the board of an AIG subsidary.
Getting back to Richard Blumenthal - Dodds successor. At the time of Dodds scandal, Blumenthal was Connecticuts Attorney General. He went on record stating that he would not prosecute or even investigate Countrywide Financial's loans to Dodd or any other Dodd alleged crimes. Dodd 'retired' not long afterwards and Blumenthal was rewarded with a Senatorial Seat
Andrew Cuomo
Cuomo tries again to distance himself from corruption scandal
Andrew Cuomo on Buffalo Billion scandal: 'I don't know what I could have done differently'
Andrew Cuomo and the Corruption of Albany
Video - Andrew Cuomo Protects Wife Beater Judge
Cuomo distances himself from disgraced pal after conviction
Time to Open the Mario Cuome File
Ralph Northam
Democrats mute calls for Va. resignations with power at risk
Tammy Baldwin (D., Wis.)
Tammy Baldwin Paid Clinton Lawyer $90K For Crisis Control After VA Scandal
Tammy Baldwin Quietly Left Committee With Oversight of Scandal-Plagued Wis. VA Facility
Valerie Plame Accepts More Campaign Donations From Prominent Holocaust Denier
Plame in 2017 blamed Jews for America's wars.
Democratic congressional candidate Valerie Plame, who faced criticism after sharing multiple anti-Semitic articles from a white supremacist media outlet, has accepted multiple campaign contributions from a prominent Holocaust denier, financial disclosures show. Full Article - Free Beacon - Colin Anderson
Why Wasn’t Andrew McCabe Charged?
The Justice Department announced Friday that it is closing its investigation of Andrew McCabe, the FBI’s former deputy director, over his false statements to investigators probing an unauthorized leak that McCabe had orchestrated. McCabe was fired in March 2018, shortly after a blistering Justice Department inspector general (IG) report concluded that he repeatedly and blatantly lied — or, as the Bureau lexicon puts it, “lacked candor” — when questioned, including under oath.
Why not indict McCabe on felony false-statements charges? That is the question being pressed by incensed Trump supporters. After all, the constitutional guarantee of equal justice under the law is supposed to mean that McCabe gets the same quality of justice afforded to the sad sacks pursued with unseemly zeal by McCabe’s FBI and Robert Mueller’s prosecutors. George Papadopoulos was convicted of making a trivial false statement about the date of a meeting. Roger Stone was convicted of obstruction long after the special counsel knew there was no Trump–Russia conspiracy, even though his meanderings did not impede the investigation in any meaningful way -- Full Story - National Review - Andrew McCarthy
Two-Tiered Justice System on Full Display
-This was not a banner week for the idea that justice is alive and blind in America. Three separate stories converged to drive home the obvious truth that America has a two-tiered justice system: the Justice Department's decision to not indict the guilty-as-sin plotter Andrew McCabe, the attempt to give Roger Stone an outrageous jail sentence, and the Army's decision to shrug that one of its officers attempted to orchestrate the removal of his commander-in-chief.
Even in the unlikely scenario that the Barr-Durham investigations send the full stable of coup-plotters to jail for decades, it will not erase the obvious fact that it pays to be a Democrat if you are going to commit crimes, particularly if they are political... Full Story American Thinker - Fletch Daniels
DC Law
As part of the Mueller Russian collusion investigation -- which found none -- Stone, a minor figure with no real connection to the Trump campaign, puffed up his connections to Wikileaks, connections he did not have, and then lied about them in congressional testimony. He also was accused of threatening a witness, a threat the witness said he never took seriously. When after conviction the prosecutor made a sentencing recommendation of six to nine years, the attorney general found that was excessive and had that recommendation withdrawn.
Here is the indictment of Roger Stone. The back story is here: DC Law - Full Story - American Thinker Clarice Feldman
Prosecutorial Misconduct, Clinton Connection in Duncan Hunter Case
It looked like a classic Justice Department squeeze play: pile a boatload of corruption charges on then-Representative Duncan Hunter, Republican of California, drag in his family, and plead it down to a single count and a resignation. But Hunter fought back. And now Judicial Watch has uncovered new evidence supporting allegations of misconduct by prosecutors in the case allied with Hillary Clinton.
In a June 2017 motion to dismiss, Hunter’s attorneys noted that the two lead Justice Department lawyers on the case, Alana Robinson and Emily Allen, had attended a 2015 political fundraiser for then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton at the La Jolla mansion of a wealthy supporter. Hunter was a vocal critic of Mrs. Clinton and an early supporter of Donald Trump.
The Justice Department responded with a mystifying claim. It told a San Diego court that Robinson and Allen were asked to attend the fundraiser “in the event of a protective security related incident where immediate prosecutorial guidance would be necessary.”
An earlier Justice Department letter said that the prosecutors were at the event “in their official capacity assisting law enforcement.”
New documents obtained by Judicial Watch support the conclusion that Robinson and Allen were at the Clinton fundraiser because they were Clinton supporters, not on standby for “prosecutorial guidance” while the monied class gathered on the glittering lawns of La Jolla. The documents raise serious questions about whether prosecutors misled the court. Lying to a judge of course is illegal. Violations of the Hatch Act may come into play here too, as well as violations of Justice Department guidelines.
Full Article - Judicial Watch Tom Fitton
Tom Fitton Provides the Explanation for Why DOJ Refuses to Prosecute
Conservative frustration with DoJ’s inaction on high-profile criminal referral for James Comey and now Andrew McCabe continues to build while the Democrat-media complex is orchestrating a campaign to force the resignation of Attorney General Bill Barr. Some of the whys and wherefores about DoJ’s failure to proceed in the McCabe case were discussed in a Fox News interview with Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch, and Bob Driscoll, former Deputy Assistant Attorney General and Chief of Staff, Civil Rights Division, US Dept of Justice, on Friday night.
Fitton: "In my view, past experience is an indication of what is going to happen. Comey was referred to the Justice Dept under AG Barr for prosecution for leaking the President’s FBI files, lying about it … including classified information. They refused to proceed. You have the significant criminal activity by the deputy FBI director referred by the IG to the Attorney General, and they refused to proceed. I’m hopeful that [Barr] tries to get control of the Justice Dept. Judicial Watch is facing opposition from the Justice Dept in getting accountability even through the simple FOIA process. It’s troubling, and the Attorney General has got to understand that it ain’t regular business at the Justice Dept. This week began with a slap at the Attorney General, and attack on the President through this abuse of Stone, and it ended with another slap and attack at the President and Attorney General. And if he thinks he’s being well-served by the careerists around him, he needs to take another look at who’s advising him because these folks pretend to be nonpartisan. The Justice Dept is full of Democrat activist lawyers pretending to be career civil servants who are pursuing an agenda. There are thousands of Vindmans, thousands of James Comeys, and they’re not working for the American people."
..... It is entirely clear that the Dept of Justice remains a Deep State sanctuary for Democrat lawyers {An organ of entrenched Bureaucrats and deep state operatives} Full Story RedState - Stu Cvrk
Related: 20-to-1 ratio: DOJ workers' contributions favored Clinton over Trump
To Be Continued 💥